Aug 2, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

Laura, for the title, you said it yourself:

IMAGINE A DOOR: Breaking Into Publishing Without Letting the Industry Break Your Heart

Sorry to hear about your foot, but glad you are healing.

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Dear Laura: How refreshing! Love the title! The idea behind this endeavor is so fresh and enriching, the "inclusiveness" spectacular. Even as I write, now in the process of debuting my first novel, I daily delete the emails that advertise the "new, best books to buy" because I know most of those ads have been paid for by the author behind the book. In fact, it's the emails and comments from writers/readers about how my book affected them that makes me feel successful. Not some idealistic and unreal goal to "be famous." I'm eternally grateful to my friends who have supported me the most. Thank you for this insightful and refreshing look at publishing.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

Oh, yes. So much this! Thank you for writing IMAGINE A DOOR, Laura. I know it will be less a how-to than a you-are (enough), and that's just one more beautiful thing you're adding to the canon. 🌼

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

Imagine A Door: Your Writing, Your Heart. So excited about your new book, and what a splash it will make, take or leave my title suggestion, but I agree the others aren't quite right. Sending healing energy for your toe!

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

IMAGINE A DOOR: something about Practice, Not Product?

So glad you are putting this together.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

Laura, As for an industry must-do that I find detrimental to creativity is the idea that fame is everything, that only the big publishers are worth pursuing, that they are the only way to gain success. Your book will offer an important antidote to that idea. I can’t wait to read it. I hope your foot is healing well.

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Congratulations Laura 🎉👏❤️ I'm so excited for you and can't wait to read this book! To answer your question, like you, I ignore the advice of churning out content, both with newsletters and social media. I would say the only reason I read this email is because you don't flood my inbox with content and your words feel like a once in a while treat. Kudos to you for listening to your heart ❤️

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

Also I LOVE that your book is for people who don't want to get famous :)

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

Very much looking forward to this book, Laura! I worked in publishing for a decade before shifting into freelancing, so when I finally got back to my own writing a few years ago (when it became slightly more doable, after dealing with my dad's death/having small children/work/life in general), I thought I was in a better position than lots of writers, because I had seen the sausage being made, so to speak. But I've really struggled with castigating myself for not setting out on the "right" writer's path: here I am, 47, and I didn't get an MFA, I didn't publish my first book in my 20s, I left NYC so I don't know the "right" people anymore, etc. etc...I keep reminding myself that I couldn't write the poems and fiction I've written these last few years 10 or 20 years ago, that the work is here now, and that's enough. But it can be hard to remember that!

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

Really looking forward to this one!

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

Thank you for these thoughtful and inspiring words. I fall into the bleak muck of "do it this way" in writing my blog and submitting poems but it just doesn't work for me...but struggle with finding other "ways." However, the older I get, the more I am tossing them aside! I am with you on this journey, wherever it leads.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

I don’t think this is a viable subtitle, but .... staying with yourself in a world of shoulds .... this is my work lately. ☮️➕💜

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Thank you for taking this one, Laura. I have met so many authors that fit the description and we've needed something like this for so long now. Thanks once again for bringing the balm we all need.

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Your generosity and imaginative/creative way of approaching publishing and the business of it is so refreshing and inspiring. I look forward to your "Imagine a Door" project's fruition selfishly and on behalf of all of us who will gain from your knowledge, experience, and generosity. Thank you!

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

I really enjoyed your post, Laura. The work of being true to one’s own rhythms and knowingness and then letting go is everything.

Subtitle idea: write your way into letting go of all that is not you/your story

I better stop with that imperfect idea. I could geek out on this idea for awhile. ☮️➕💜

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Laura Stanfill

This sounds amazing and I can’t wait to read and share this book! You continue to inspire me, Laura.

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